Sponsored byContentsWelcome Read moreExpert View: Eamonn Wall Read moreSWOT Analysis Read moreStep 1: Make sure you get paidRead moreInspiring story: Laura JacksonRead moreStep 2: Minimise your business costsRead moreStep 3: Become more efficientRead moreInspiring story: Matt DunscombeRead moreStep 4: Keep your cash flow healthyRead moreStep 5: Adjust your pricesRead moreInspiring story: Helen GrochowinaRead moreStep 6: Keep hold of your existing customersRead moreStep 7: Keep your people motivatedRead moreStep 8: Reach out for adviceRead moreStep 9: Market your business more effectivelyRead moreStep 10: Safeguard your own mental health and happinessRead more